If your teeth are stained or discolored, then you have the options to whiten them or have veneers to put on over your existing teeth. These are the services that our Northpark Dental specialists can offer. As specialists in Irvine cosmetic dentistry, we know how to preserve the beauty of your pearly whites. Let us know; we are here to help.
Our Cosmetic Dentistry offers also include braces or any of the procedures that are designed to straighten or realign your teeth to a more natural and appealing position. Whether you are considering braces for your child or adult braces for yourself, the traditional ones we have been used to for years or the newer invisible braces that are available, you may consider obtaining an Irvine cosmetic dentistry service from us.
Cosmetic Dentistry Choices in Irvine, CA
We know your teeth are important to you, and so we offer several options to keep your smile looking great! We offer porcelain veneers that are stain resistant and keep your teeth looking nice and bright. We offer reconstructive dentistry procedures that may combine porcelain veneers, crowns, dental implants, sealants, teeth whitening or teeth correction. Read all about reconstructive dentistry below.
As Irvine Cosmetic Dentistry specialists, we will provide you with detailed explanations regarding your condition of your teeth and how they are placed, what will improve your quality of using your teeth, and what steps and procedures we will take to enhance your teeth. See our options below and visit us today!
We are OC Dental Porcelain Veneers Experts
Porcelain veneers are one of the most effective and efficient tools that a dentist might use to improve the appearance of your smile. We are OC Dental specialists that excel at creating high-performance porcelain veneers.
Do You Need Porcelain Veneers?
Our OC Dental professionals will provide you with a detailed explanation as to why and how you may be a great candidate for porcelain veneers. A visit to our dentist would be the first step in finding out if porcelain veneers are right for you. If you have teeth that are out of proportion to the rest of your mouth, then you might benefit from this procedure.
Do you have teeth that are stained from having taken a medication for an illness?

Sometimes we’ve had to take medications during our lives that have caused our teeth to turn yellow or grey. Some of the medications prescribed for illnesses like asthma or high blood pressure and some chemotherapy treatments will cause them to turn yellow or grey. And often these types of color changes do not respond to whitening treatments. In these situations your dentist may advise you that the discolored ones would benefit with the use of porcelain veneers. Or perhaps you have teeth that are discolored but there are other reasons your dentist has determined that you will not respond well to whitening treatments?
Some people have teeth that are very sensitive and the whitening treatments are too strong for their sensitive teeth. If this sounds like you, then you will benefit from porcelain veneers instead of whitening treatments.
What Are Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain veneers are a thin layer of porcelain that is placed over your natural tooth. They resist staining, look very natural, and can last for many years with proper dental care. As with your natural teeth, they can and should be brushed and flossed according to your dentist’s recommendations.
The first step in preparing for your porcelain veneers will be in your dentist’s office when your dentist will make a mold of your teeth. This mold will then be used to create them. Once they have been created, it’s time to put them on. Your dentist will use a very strong dental adhesive that bonds your them to your teeth to create the look that you want.
As with anything new, at first you’ll be touching your new porcelain veneers with your tongue and looking at them in the mirror quite often. That’s perfectly normal when we have something new. But because they are so thin and adhere so closely to your natural tooth, you will soon find that you don’t even notice them anymore. Your porcelain veneers will have become a natural part of you!